Monthly Archives: July 2022

Why DIY Masonry Repair Can Be Problematic

By |2022-07-26T18:46:24+00:00July 23rd, 2022|Masonry|

The austere beauty of historic brick buildings fills their communities with distinct verve and character and also serves as a tangible link to their respective communities' cultural history. Historic masonry structures represent a blend of artistry and craftsmanship. While many examples are architectural treasures, sometimes the ravages of time can take their toll on these

Finding the Right Experts to Restore Masonry

By |2022-07-26T18:41:48+00:00July 9th, 2022|Masonry|

How often do you drive by a beautifully traditional or historic building—or a classic home in an older neighborhood or city center—and admire the intricate brick masonry work? Whatever the building may be, there is a gravitas and grandeur to beautiful brick masonry, even as the material itself is rugged and long-lasting. Not only are

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