
Becoming a Masonry Restoration Expert

Picking Up Broken Pieces Building restoration is a precise business — some may even consider it an art. You should understand not only the physical nature of the structure you’re fixing but you must also have a respect for its spirit and the work of previous builders. The work of Abstract Masonry, Utah’s premier restoration

By |2021-12-09T01:51:22+00:00December 22nd, 2021|Uncategorized|

Restoring Historic Concrete

We’re all familiar with the childhood game to avoid cracks in the cement or we’ll break mama’s back. As we get older, however, and wake up to the historical nature of our town’s buildings and yards, it’s not the threat of inadvertent spinal trauma to our guardians that has us scrambling to repair cracks in

By |2024-04-04T21:24:54+00:00December 9th, 2021|Construction|

Adobe Through Time

Truly Timeless Construction The adobe style is a construction technique that is instantly recognizable to anyone who has spent time in the Southwestern United States. Tanned, sun-dried walls; flat roofs; exposed wood framing, such as beams or eaves extending over the roof. All of these characteristics evoke the Mexican Pueblo- or Spanish mission-style of building

By |2021-10-23T00:01:04+00:00November 2nd, 2021|Construction|

The Noble Cause of Preservation Utah

Each state has its own rich history, full of the stories that tell of those who came before us — their lives, their struggles, their hopes for the future. Such testimonies are still preserved on the buildings they left behind, just as our own dwellings give an accurate look at what’s most important to us.

By |2021-10-06T16:22:06+00:00October 21st, 2021|Uncategorized|

An Evolution of Construction: Exploring the Use of Ancient Construction Materials

If human history tells us anything, from the pharaohs of Egypt to the earliest inhabitants of Mesa Verde in Colorado, it is that we are a people who build. Yes, the potsherds in the sand tell that we were interested in small, beautiful things, but the ancient monuments and cities swallowed by sand and forest

By |2021-10-06T16:13:24+00:00October 4th, 2021|Construction|

Preventing Damage to Masonry

Benjamin Franklin is quoted as saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.“ While he was talking about fire prevention in Philadelphia, the advice applies to numerous aspects of life. Building restoration is a booming industry because all masonry materials are prone to wear and tear. Whether due to improper installation or

By |2023-06-15T21:14:06+00:00September 20th, 2021|Uncategorized|

Incorporating and Preserving Historic Masonry in Your Home

To classify as “historic,” your structure should have at least 50 years of life. Building repair and restoration are important for preserving architectural styles, as well as representing the culture of people and places. Masonry in architecture can include brick, terra cotta, stone, concrete block, cast stone, and the mortar used to bind these materials.

By |2021-09-06T21:39:37+00:00September 2nd, 2021|Construction|

Why Bricks Are Making a Comeback

As restorers of historic masonry, we love discussing not only the historicity of ancient building techniques and materials but also how they can be utilized today. As we’ve documented in the past, the history of brick-building is an interesting one, manifesting as a sort of “unintentional cooperation” between different civilizations to make bricks the dominant

By |2021-07-26T01:16:25+00:00August 16th, 2021|Construction|

Walk Like an Egyptian: Appreciating the Masonry of the Past

For as long as mankind has been interested in creating something monumental, we have been attracted to megalithic superstructures. From the Nazca Lines to Stonehenge, and the Titanic to Mount Rushmore, the aim has been twofold: firstly, to create something that would be regarded as the greatest exhibition of expertise and cooperation of the age;

By |2021-07-26T01:05:31+00:00August 2nd, 2021|Construction|
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